Changelog ========= 0.2.3dev (2012-04-??) --------------------- * Added country names * Management update command renamed from ``ipgeobase_update`` to ``geoip_update`` * Management command verbose output with progressbar * Dropped django 1.2 support * Documentation improved 0.2.2 (2012-01-25) ------------------ * Fixed middleware behavior when preocess_request never ran (redirects) * Improved location storage validation, fixed cookie domain detection * Added ``Locator.is_store_empty`` function to reveal if geoip detection was made 0.2.1 (2012-01-25) ------------------ * Fixed middleware behavior when request.location is None * Added ``GEOIP_STORAGE_CLASS`` setting to override default user location storage * Introduced ``LocationDummyStorage`` class to avoid cookie storage 0.2 (2012-01-20) ---------------- * Major refactoring of the app, added more tests * Fixed a typo in ``get_availabe_locations`` 0.1 (2012-01-18) ---------------- * Initial release